How to cow level diablo 2
How to cow level diablo 2

how to cow level diablo 2

Thanks to the high density of Hell Bovines, and their relative weakness as enemies, players could easily power-level new characters all the way to level 99 here. While the mere existence of this level would’ve been enough to satiate the fans searching for it like some kind of milk-filled Holy Grail, the secret cow level also proved to be the best leveling spot in the game by far. The level also featured a special “boss” cow, the Cow King, who had a chance to drop part of the Cow King’s Leathers armor set upon death. This was a series of open fields teeming with enemies known as Hell Bovines, cows that walked on their hind legs and wielded axes in self-defense, mooing away in an oddly conversational manner all the while. The game featured a wide range of cheat codes with a wide range of effects, one of which was “there is no cow level.” While the code allowed players to automatically win the current mission they were working on, it left many disheartened, as they rightly took it to be official confirmation that the cow level they’d been seeking all along was nothing more than a fairy tale.īy combining Wirt’s Leg with a Tome Town Portal, you could open up a portal to a new area called Moo Moo Farm.

how to cow level diablo 2

Including this quest only intensified the hunt for the secret cow level, but hopes were soon dashed with the release of StarCraft in 1998. RELATED: Diablo 4: Every Region Of The Map, Ranked The quest was only accessible via command.txt file modification, making it a deep cut that only dedicated fans would experience.

how to cow level diablo 2

It could only be acquired by finishing the Jersey’s Jersey quest, given out by the Complete Nut, the new title assumed by the character of Lester once he dons a cow suit. This was an extremely powerful armor piece featuring high stats and indestructibility. However, they did become widespread enough that Blizzard took notice, referencing them in Diablo’s Hellfire expansion with the secret Bovine Plate armor. These rumors, like those concerning the Mew under the truck, proved to be nothing more than rumors.

How to cow level diablo 2