Mgs5 the phantom pain steam fourms
Mgs5 the phantom pain steam fourms

The only attacks they can get up to you with is the rock throw, which you can break with gunfire or just move away along the roof, or teleport up to you briefly for melee attacks: afterwards they teleport back down. You can get up on roofs, which will cut off a lot of their attacks, and snipe them with a powerful sniper rifle. You can sprint around the base (you are in a really big base, and have freerun of all of it) to use heavy weapon emplacements against them, which will kill them really quickly. I've countered them then put c4 at their feet, run away and blew it up. Probably under a minute if you got lucky with their melee attempts, which you can trigger by shooting at them when they do anything else. With the most powerful machine gun you could probably kill them all in a couple of minutes, tops. I can almost kill one with a single counter now and I've still got upgrades to go. There's countering them and pumping their heads full of lead, which is REALLY FAST with a good heavy machine gun. There's the traditional rockets way, which I stopped using because splash damage just killed me.

Mgs5 the phantom pain steam fourms